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  • Seascape -
    SEASCAPE consists of a series of gradually unfolding digital seascapes created using imagery captured by webcams installed at five key coastal vantage points between Margate and Portsmouth. Sited at each location for up to a year before the start of...
  • Seascape -
    Event: SeascapeInstitution: Osterwalder’s Art OfficeComment:
  • Fleischmann, Monika and Wolfgang Strauss. Searching instead of Finding: The Digital Archive as Find Engine. In Futuros Possíveis: Arte, Museus e Arquivos Digitais, edited by Giselle BeiguelmanSão Paulo: Periópolis/ Edusp, 2014.
  • MacKinnon, Richard C.. Searching for the Leviathan in the Usenet In Cybersociety: Computer-Mediated Comunication and Community, edited by Steven G. Jones, 112-137. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications, 1994.
  • Search for Simurgh is an immersive, interactive performance installation named for the Persian mythological bird akin to a Phoenix. In Search for Simurgh, the audience will move through a series of chambers as they take an active role in this...
  • Search Detection, 2012 LED Matrix, arduino processor, wooden cabinet, computer, Internet connection Variable size, can cover between 1 and 3 m of wall space Ed. 1/3, 1 AP Live digital streams that display the results of a search algorithm using the...
  • Search -
    Video installation Series 'Bags' Ten bags, stacked with their opening facing forward, form a free-standing sculpture. The flicker of a television picture is projected onto the front, and the image of the abstract television image continues into the...
  • Sean Cubitt is Professor of Film and Television and co-Head of the Department of Media and Communications at Goldsmiths, University of London; Professorial Fellow of the University of Melbourne and Honorary Professor of the University of Dundee. His...
  • Dr Sean Clark is an artist and curator, the Director of Leicester arts company Interact Digital Arts, the Founder of web/mobile developer Cuttlefish Multimedia, a Visiting Researcher at the Institute of Creative Technologies at De Montfort University...
  • Sea-Changes -
    In Sea-Changes (1997-98) artists age 50 or over, from a variety of disciplines, were invited to submit personal biographical materials to a common database. The original idea was to have them use that database as a basis from which create fictional...