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  • George Legrady has been creating interactive digital media installations and projects since the early 1990's. He is best known for his projects focuses on the classification and visualization of data as in “Pockets Full of Memories” (2001)
  • Event: Public Keys (Performance)Institution: San Francisco Camera WorksComment:
  • Displacements -
    Event: DisplacementsInstitution: San Francisco Museum of Modern ArtComment:
  • Images du Futur 1996 -
    organized by Hervé Fischer and Ginette Major
  • MultiMediale 5 -
    Event: MultiMediale 5Institution: ZKMComment:
  • Event: Nouvelle image, nouveaux réseauxInstitution: La Villette Cité des Sciences et de l'IndustrieComment:
  • Event: Printemps de septembre, Festival of Contemporary Images: "Fragilités"Institution: Printemps de septembreComment:
  • The Imaginary Hotel -
    Event: The Imaginary HotelInstitution: The Chapman GalleryComment:
  • Electronically Yours -
    Event: Electronically YoursInstitution: Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of PhotographyComment:
  • Marc Lee is a Swiss artist. He uses contemporary art as a vehicle to continuously redefine how we see ourselves and the world around us. He is experimenting with information and communication technologies and within his contemporary art practice, he