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  • Hugill, A and M Rieser. Secret Garden 24 (2013).
  • Lotus Meditation -
    Lotus Meditation was developed for the Art Innovation exhibition and symposium, jointly held by Kyoto University and Goldsmiths University of London art college. It is geolocated in Chuo-on-tei, the "Garden of the Sound of the Tide," in Kennin-ji,
  • It is 1919. Victor Tausk, a Vienese psychoanalyst examines a patient, Miss Natalija A. She tells him that her mind and body are being manipulated by a mysterious electrical apparatus operated secretly by physicans in Berlin.
  • eavesdrop - video
    Presented in a 360-degree purpose-built cinematic environment, 10 people forever repeat a certain 9 minutes of their lives. Exploring terrain that is at once spiritual, moral, ethical, psychological and physical, this ingeniously crafted artwork is
  • Dove, Toni. Mesmer: Secrets of the Human Frame. New York: Granary Books, 1993.
  • Mirapaul, Matthew. Secrets of Digital Creativity Revealed in Miniatures The New York Times (September 16 2002).
  • Event: Digital Secrets - Think TankInstitution: Computing Commons GalleryComment:
  • Event: Discrete Austrian SecretsInstitution: The Galaxy Museum of Contemporary ArtComment:
  • A white cube was constructed in the club, inverting the familiar “white cube” gallery space. Inside, instructions encouraged participants to disclose secrets into a microphone. Their mute video was displayed on the dance floor, while their
  • Voices -
    Digital video 5 mins 36 secs colour, stereo sound by Hans Peter Kuhn Inspired by the poem of the same name, Voices is a visual evocation of Paul Celan's poem of Jewish experience within a concentration camp. Voices from the nettleway