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  • Artist: Raquel KoganComment:
  • N/A See colaboration with Naoko Tosa
  • networks-quantum physics-string theory-astrophysics-art-books-dogs
  • ...David R. Burns takes an interdisciplinary approach to creating digital media art by combining 3D computer modeling and animation, digital video, sound design, and physical computing to push the boundaries of artistic expression. His creative work explores visual...
  • ...Martin John Callanan is an artist and researcher exploring notions of citizenship within the globally connected world. Concerns include information, data, and knowledge. Martin John Callanan is an artist whose work spans numerous mediums and engages both emerging...
  • ...Budhaditya Chattopadhyay is a contemporary artist, researcher, writer and theorist. Working across diverse media, such as sound, text, and moving image, and incorporating various technologies such as sensors, AI, and Machine Learning, Chattopadhyay produces large-scale...
  • Artist: Deborah KrikunComment:
  • Artist: Linda KronmanComment:
  • Artist: James KuehnComment:
  • ...Programmer and artist from Cologne, Germany. Studied art and design at the Academy of media arts in Cologne, Computer science and Sociology at the University of Dortmund.