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  • Event: PLAKARTIVE 2012Institution: Kunst.Stadt.PlakatComment:
  • Kraftwerk ZKM -
    Event: Kraftwerk ZKMInstitution: EnBW Comment:
  • 4 minute documentation excerpt from a 50 minute Installation.
  • Decidophobia - video
    The current quarrel between neuroscientists and moral philosophers about whether there is a free will or only a surrogate thereof provided by the subconscious cannot be settled easily. Instead Elke Reinhuber offers to see for yourself in her work for...
  • Exhibition dates: June 23, 2012 through February 24, 2013. Peter Weibel inaugurated the exhibition "Inter-Facing the Archive" by Fleischmann and Strauss at the ZKM Center for Art and Media Technology in Karlsruhe with the words: " and...
  • Blank Chance -
    How do we make decisions? Decisions can be reached applying various methods – intuition or reason. Sometimes, using divination methods or certain tools to find out what might be best supports the process. Whether shaking fortune sticks, reading the...
  • Y straight forward? A city-tour guide of a different sort The human eye is an omnivore and so constantly feeding the corresponding brain cells with loads of information. Only later the important is segregated from the insignificant, but far more...
  • Camouflage -
    Intervention For the temporary intervention 'Camouflage' the ten national flags attached to flagpoles at the bus parking lot on the Bieler Höhe were exchanged for monochrome quartz green banners. Not until they were approached did they appear to...
  • 11 Habana Bienial