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  • acrylic paint on plexiglass, UV light reflector dim: 105 x 180 cm (each, series of 7) Photo by: Boštjan Pucelj, Archive Gallery Krško; DK / Archive KIBLA A series of images on Plexiglas shows a selection of two-dimensional diagrams of skyrmion
  • Jan-Peter E.R. Sonntag & N-solab 1965 in Lübeck, Deutschland Club Transmediale 2008 sonArc::project, Kulturverlag Kadmos, Berlin, ISBN (13)978-3-931659-97 Auszeichnungen (Auswahl) [Bearbeiten] 2008 CYNETart-Award 08 2008 Deutscher
  • #1 Vortex #2 Torus #3 Skyrmion Lattice #4 Skyrmion Collapse #5 Cross (B=16 Skyrmion) #6 Spiral (cross-section of horizontal vortex) kinetic light objects (series of 6) plexiglass, LED reflectors, turntables variable dimensions, diameter: 60 cm,
  • 6,54’ video, 3D modeling, 3D animation The video combines abstract video recordings of light-kinetic sculptures in motion together 3D simulations of them. This interplay of digitally simulated and analogue visual effects creates a topology of hybrid
  • Seven artists and seven museums – they constituted the nodes of the homonymous exhibition which was shown in North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) from September 16th to November 11th 2007. The project, initiated by the registry of culture of NRW, Gütersloh,
  • Imaginary Skyrmions -
    Event: Imaginary SkyrmionsInstitution: Krško GalleryComment:
  • Flypad -
    The company has also been commissioned to create a major, new permanent installation for THEpUBLIC in West Bromwich UK, due to open in 2006. Using Augmented Reality, Flypad will generate avatars from a 'data body' - information
  • Volk, Denis and Nina (ed.) Sotelšek. Uršula Berlot: Imaginary Skyrmions. Krško Gallery 12. 5. – 18. 7. 2023, Krško: Cultural Centre Krško (2023).
  • With Virtual Reality (VR) a fundamental change is taking place in the digital age. Through the VR glasses people enter a new world instead of only looking at it on a flat screen. The human pursuit of immersion already demonstrated within the
  • The Value of Art are interactive paintings dealing with the economy of attention and value creation in the art world. When we look at prices of artworks at auctions, they often seem incomprehensible. Competing art collectors betting against each