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  • Computer Identity -
    Computer Identity was an interactive digital internet-based artwork that was created by Beatriz Albuquerque in 2003-2005 ( It was 1st presented to audiences in 2005 at BaseSpace, Chicago, The School of the
  • Heir of cybernetic art, artist and programmer, Antoine Schmitt uses programming as a material to produce installations, CD-ROMs, online exhibitions, and performances in which he confronts the public or performers with autonomous abstract dynamic
  • Marcos Novak, born 1957, professor at UCSB, transarchitect, artist, and theorist. He exhibits, lectures, and conducts workshops worldwide. He pioneered the development of architecture for cyberspace and virtual space and of the algorithmic
  • Swarming Lounge 2.0 is a mixed-reality performance and installation where visitors come to meet four live performers and nine augmented-reality characters displayed on smartphones. All characters, both real and virtual, are embedded in the
  • Feedback -
    Janet Cardiff's “Feedback” (2004) is an interactive sound piece that plays a Jimi Hendrix rendition of “The Star Spangled Banner” when the visitor steps on a wah-wah pedal. “Feedback” is a gift in honor of Rifkin by Tom and Kitty Stoner and
  • Waelder, Pau. Beyond Ganism: AI as conceptual art
  • Wie das leise Spiel an der Kinder-Krippe fügen sich Formen im Schattenspiel zu einer Geschichte. Das hat etwas Zauberhaftes, doch die Bilder brechen schnell mit der vermeintlichen Idylle. Die indische Künstlerin Nalini Malani ist mit ihrer
  • Hinterleitner, Karin. Eternal Summer: George Legrady im Gespräch
  • On a large white platform, the artist has arranged the typical Christmas scenario of his parents’ home: the family members, furniture and carpet from the living room, Christmas decorations, presents, and letters from family members. The annual
  • Bec’s artistic work revolved around the interlocking of art and science. He became known through his efforts related to extending biological evolution and simulating new life forms, emphasizing in particular how these ‹could› bring forth evolution.