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  • ... list. His work combines photography, woodblock printmaking and light boxes in multi-panel works where the woodblocks explore ways to...
    ... The image of a butterfly changing colors is formed by a light reflection of a video that is being projected onto a horizontal...
  • ...Quasar 2.0: Star Incubator (Q2:SI) is an immersive interactive light and sound installation. Providing a spatial reflection of renewing and...
    ... changing landscapes of fleeting images and sound. A sweeping light from the darkness that suddenly illuminates the space, everyday...
  • ... music of the Norwegian composer Rishaug to create a tapestry of light.” Text source: [DAM]Cologne
  • ... in space as a low resolution full depth information cloud in light and motion. The Gateway: it is a 4K multitouch screen were...
  • ... with data visualisations and the ephemeral movements of light and sound in extended reality.
  • ... attack and decay envelopes. This allowed the sound files to remain coordinated. I have enclosed the coordinated movements 1-7... as well as field recordings at night – drones (the sound of lights or transformers; cars over the surface of a bridge creating...
  • ... colors, merely data sets, only become perceivable as colored light on a screen when processed by specific protocols. Our work...
  • ... from both front and side saturate the surfaces with image and light. At times, the surfaces appear to disappear, replaced by stark,...