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  • Moore, Lila. Techno-Spiritual Horizons: Compassionate Networked Art Forms and Noetic Fields of Cyborg Body and Consciousness Technoetic Arts: A Journal of Speculative Research 15, no. 3 (December 2017): 325-339.
  • Theme: Internet as Cyborg.
  • Paper: Techno-Spiritual Horizons: Compassionate Networked Art Forms and Noetic Fields of Cyborg Body and Consciousness
  • Lin Pey Chwen’s oeuvre extends from sculpture to interactive digital installations. Over the course of more than twenty years, her work encompasses a unique approach to media art and technology exploring a critical understanding of contemporary
  • Face to Face, self-portrait: Robotics, cyborgizationArtist: Karen AlekyanComment:
  • Clanes, Manfred and Nathan S. Kline. Cyborgs and Space Astronautics (September 1960): 26 - 27 and 74-76.
  • CAE. Flesh Machine: Cyborgs, Designer Babies, & New Eugenic Consciousness. New York: Autonomedia, 1998.
  • Poetrica -
    Poetrica is an investigation about reading and reception in entropic and cybrid situations and a practice of appropriation of the advertisement system as public space. It was launched at Galeria Vermelho, in São Paulo, 2003, and closed in
  • VR Aquarium - video
    VR AQUARIUM offered immersion in VR at the digital cavern of the NTAV Lab, installed at the Museum of Natural Sciences of the University of Caxias do Sul. The environment aesthetical appeal was the augmented reality and telepresence which enhanced
  • Galapagos -
    Galápagos is an interactive Darwinian evolution of virtual "organisms." Twelve computers simulate the growth and behaviors of a population of abstract animated forms and display them on twelve screens arranged in an arc. The viewers participate in