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  • reWrite
    ...The focus of an artwork such as reWrite is identity. The work addresses this theme through the use of...
  • World System -
    ...The theme of this project is "re-design for telephone". Winner of Japan Art Scholorship. This is a...
  • ... ¦uvre. In 1992 Andréhn-Schiptjenko showed the installation Sustained where sculpture, painting,...
  • Plain Text -
    ...The Plain Text series plays on the “infinite monkey theorem”. It states that given an infinite amount...
  • max mip tex -
    ... on a Hercules card [KyroII chipset] using the wrong drivers [Nvidia Geforce 2] . we...
  • Digital Zoetrope -
    ... installation and visual identity around the theme of this year’s festival 'Citystates'....
  • ... This mediawork is an exploration of the sex, beauty and racial myths which are...
  • Liquid Language -
    ...It is an experiement in fluid text. Text appears on the screen, dissolves and transforms continuously,...
  • After Microsoft -
    ... a hill in Sonoma Valley, California. In the context of this project we have re-visited the...
  • Flack Attack -
    ...Flack Attack is a magazine coming out of The Port, a community-driven space inside the online 3D world...