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  • ... Rob et. al. Stone. Golden (Notes). London, UK:... Pui, Susan and Sonia Boyce and Mimi Lok and Rob et. al....
  • ... the Great Image with golden head, silver body,... I, I looked back and represented the process...
  • ... Ars Electronica's Golden Nica Award. He is in... designer, inventor and entrepreneur. His popular...
  • ...Shanken, Edward. Jeffrey Shaw's Golden Calf: Art Meets... Virtual Reality and Religion Leonardo...
  • Videonale 5 -
    ..."The Golden Seed" shown as The Golden Egg or perhaps as "The...
  • The Golden Calf -
    ...Event: The Golden CalfInstitution: National Museum of...
  • ...The Golden Seed shown under its original name "Das Goldene... The Golden Seed shown under its original name "Das Goldene...
  • ... was awared with the Golden Nica of Arts... towards video art and later in based on...
  • ... Ikeda received the Golden Nica prize at Prix Ars... frequencies and the essential... of sound itself. His work exploits...
  • ..."The Golden Seed" nominated for the Deutsche Videokunstpreis... Art Prize) under its original name "Das...