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  • ... these processes, but to examine the need for a fundamental shift in cultural perception with respect to nature, culture and technology. With DEEP NORTH, transmediale.09 focused on the impact and unavoidable consequences of this pending global transformation...
  • ...Tice, Steve and Linda Jacobson. The Art of Building Virtual Realities In Cyberarts: Exploring Art and Technology, edited by Linda JacobsonSan Francisco, CA: Miller Freeman Inc., 1992.
  • ... has been imaged as an extension of the optic nerve the change of perspective. It is possible to utilize eye control technology without wearing any device, and to navigate unrestrictedly within the naked eye's broad field of view and consists of...
  • ... artist Rafael Lozano-Hemmer. The artworks in Recorders see, hear and feel the actions of people around them, using technology to create a playful yet ominous experience. This solo exhibition features seven recent pieces by the artist, including the...
  • ...Hayles, Katherine N.. Embodied virtuality: Or How to Put Bodies Back into the Picture In Immersed in Technology: Art and Virtual Environments, edited by Mary Anne Moser and D. MacLeod, 1-28. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1996.
  • ... & Mackenzie - LEA digital media Exhibition platformInstitution: Leonardo, International Society for the Arts, Sciences and TechnologyComment:
  • Post Cinema 360° -
    ...Between December 2011 & March 2013 several projects have been developed and workshops have been given on 360 degree panoramic video technology. Within these projects and workshops the following topics have recieved attention: 1. alternative methods of video projection;...
  • I like Frank -
    ... the Dept. of the Premier and Cabinet, Adelaide Fringe 2004, m.Net, SA Film Corporation, Australian Network for Art & Technology and Dept. of Education and Children's Services, with support from Internode, the Arts & Humanities Research Board,...
  • Tracing -
    ... on both sides of the wall. One side consists of impersonal collected data of everyday stituations, systems, issues of technology and personal keywords reflecting a cultural perspective about technological culture. The other side of the wall, provides...
  • ... Consciousness Reframed 2002, non-local, non-linear, non-ordinary, edited by John Curtin Gallery and Curtin University of Technology and Perth Biennale of Electronic ArtsPerth: CAiiA-STAR, 2002.