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  • The kaleidoscopic rhythmic structure of a recurring pattern is not a computer-generated picture, but a video recording taken on a digital camera and a kaleidoscopic instrument. The infinite recurrence of one and the same element in micro- and
  • The Echoes of Ambiguity within Electronic Space - A series of image files produced on a Commodore Amiga computer that were derived from ambiguous compositions of language representation - whilst being abstract yet representational of reality at the
  • Nature -
    ... the computer was just beginning to become...
  • The MSCRI, Modular Solution for Corridor Reactive Installations is an sketch for a set of solutions to create installations which use real time video as the main input source.
  • Internet, search engine, cartography Maps from the World Nervous System With today's communication networks, the world is equipped with an extensive virtual nervous system. From anywhere in the world one can feel what's happening anywhere
  • Marchtowar -
    Online gambling meets political protest. Launched in the February 2003, allowed users to place $5 bets on the time and date when the US invasion of Iraq would begin. The winner was paid in pre-paid gasoline cards, all proceeds went to
  • freequent traveller -
    ... to the pendulum like movements of the...
  • ... concepts, like FREEDOM, PEACE,...
  • Abominable Abdominal Wrinkles reffers to a Rrose Sélavy´s text: "Abominables fourrures abdominales".It belongs to a series of Writings produced by Duchamp based in the dadaist manner. The video (1 minute) plays with compactation of information
  • Brainwash - video
    In Brainwash the actor and audience watch the turning of a black and white striped drum. This drum is both an early cinematic zoetrope and a diagnostic neurological tool. Certain individuals suffer from cerebellar tumors and strokes leading to a