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  • INTERMITTENT - video
    ... regularity and improvisation is turned into a generative art installation and situates itself beyond classical video loops or...
    ... MAX/MSP/Jitter, which are connected with each other via Ethernet.
  • Printing on aluminium 100 x 200cm UV print; coated aluminum, colored epoxy resin Images are hypotheses about the visible. Only the viewers ability to connect what they see with their own knowledge and sentience makes a picture readable. The aluminum
  • ... The visitors immerse themselves into the room to become part of the work. The large, completely darkened exhibition space itself...
  • ... light. With digital spiritual music in the background, the artist creates a kind of immersive space that transcends the print...
  • ... (created in the year 2000) gives continuity to the artistic strategy of implementing new forms of perception by...
  • Paravent -
    Video sculpture In co-production with Gudrun Bielz The 'Paravent' functions as a projection screen, displaying a video of a car wash routine captured from the inside of a car. The 'Paravent' shifts its normal function as a private object and becomes
  • ... upon her forehead and right hand. Therefore, images of different parts of “Eve Clone”, such as head, chest, belly, legs, and feet are...
  • This series prints show six wire-framed body images of “Eve Clone” in six angles excerpted from the video of “Making of Eve Clone I”. Also, the texts about the “Whore of Babylon” were taken from the Book of Revelation to show the identity and
  • ... the Printscreen Festival in Holon, Israel. Thinking the internet as a territory and as a field of action, the content of the work...