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  • My work focuses on visual explorations of culturally significant data. I'm constantly seeking new ways to represent information to create connection, insight, narrative and beauty. A particular interest is using visual tools to foster collaboration
  • The exhibition shows works by the computer scientist, Frieder Nake (now resident in Bremen), who was a member of the Stuttgart group led by Max Bense. He displayed his first algorithmically generated digital graphics in Stuttgart in 1965, as did
  • Multiplicity -
    These manually created photomontages were created as the basis for an op-art style silkscreen series and its further development as a kinetic object.
  • Lindenmayer, Aristid and Prusinkiewicz Przemyslaw. Developmental Models of Multicellular Organism: A Computer Graphics Perspective ALIFE (1987): 221-250.
  • Karen Alekyan. The Maps of the Future or Geographical developments
  • Event: Nouveaux systèmes d'imagerie en 3 dimensionsInstitution: applications développements et perspectives, IIème symposium mondial des technologies de l'information (FWS)Comment:
  • Badani, Pat. On Digital Art, Latin America, and the Aesthetics of Infiltration In Parcours Interculturels. Être et devenir., edited by Maia MorelVol.ISBN: 978-2-9811987-0-9. , 175 to 183.. Quebec, Canada: Éditions Peisaj, 2010.
  • Medi@terra 1999 -
    Pendulum Symposium Mediterranean and Balkan Art & Technology Festival MEDIA = The image of the world, an image elaborated according to the circumstances. The high point of 21st-century culture. The face of modern technology, the homo communicus of
  • MAP = Media Arts Plaza is the official site which supports creative activities and development of media arts. Starting with an offering for subscriptions, announcement of award-winning works, information about exhibition of award-winning works,
  • Microwave Media Art Festival 2003 - Hong Kong The "Microwave International Media Art Festival" is an international festival in HONG KONG, which aims to promote cultural exchange and appreciation of new media art. MIMFA - the annual video art