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Fassler, Manfred. Alle möglichen Welten. Virtuelle Realität, Wahrnehmung, Ethik der
Kommunikation. München: Wilhelm Fing Verlag, 1999. -
Fisher, Scott S.. Virtual Environments, Personal Simulation and Telepresence In Ars Electronica: Facing the Future, edited by Timothey DruckreyCambridge, MASS: MIT Press, 1999.
Fisher, Scott. S. and Mark.T. Bolas and John O. Merritt, ed. Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems VI. Proc. SPIE3639, Cambrige, MA: 1999.
Grosenick, Uta and Burkhard Riemschneider, ed. Ausblick auf das neue Jahrtausend / Art at the Turn of the Millenium. Köln: Taschen Deutschland GmbH, 1999.
Kac, Eduardo. Genesis In Ars Electronica 1999: LifeScience, edited by Gerfried Stocker and Christine SchöpfWien, New York: Springer Verlag, 1999.
Kac, Eduardo. Negotiating Meaning: The Dialogic Imagination in Electronic Art In Proceedings of Computers in Art and Design Education Conference, edited by UK University of TeessideTeeside, UK: 1999.
Kac, Eduardo. Transgene Kunst In Ars Electronica 1999: LifeScience, edited by Christine Schöpf and Gerfried StockerWien, New York: Springer Verlag, 1999.
Stroud, Michael. Pictures at a Virtual Exhibition Wired (November 8th 1999).
Massumi, Brian and Toni Dove. The Interface and I: A Conversation Between Brian Massumi and Toni
Dove Artbyte Magazine 1 (Feb/March 1999): 30-37. -
Dunn, Ashley. The Cutting Edge: New Way to Ease Web Traffick James Is Winning Big-Name
Fans Los Angeles Times (August 1999).