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  • Passage Sets / One Pulls Pivots at the Tip of the Tongue (1995) is an interactive installation that functions as an elaborate navigable audio/visual poem. Seaman worked with Chris Ziegler as the programmer for this work. Three projections comprise
  • Otocky -
    Designed by popular Japanese multimedia artist Toshio Iwai, "Otokki" or Otocky (which is the appropriate spelling that appears on the game's main title screen) was released for the Famicom Disk System in 1987. Otocky may be best described as a
  • .. Her art works reflect on urbanity and community as seen through digital media and have been exhibited worldwide at festivals and museums..
  • Dr. Jeffrey Huang is Associate Professor of Architecture, Digital Media and Information Technology at Harvard Graduate School of Design (GSD), and since 2003 also at the Faculty of Arts and Sciences (FAS). Huang's teaching focuses on the
  • "Dr. Gimzewski pioneered research on mechanical and electrical contacts with single atoms and molecules using scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and was one of the first persons to image molecules with STM. His accomplishments include the first
  • Wie das leise Spiel an der Kinder-Krippe fügen sich Formen im Schattenspiel zu einer Geschichte. Das hat etwas Zauberhaftes, doch die Bilder brechen schnell mit der vermeintlichen Idylle. Die indische Künstlerin Nalini Malani ist mit ihrer
  • After Tomorrow -
    If we consider the Revelation to John as a veritable scenario of the Apocalypse its realization (the reality always differs from the scenario) can look in the following way. There is a world where one part of the survived passed into a new form of
  • Toshio Iwai is a Japanese interactive media and installation artist who has also created a number of commercial video games. In addition he has worked in television, music performance, museum design and digital musical instrument design. In 1985,
  • Akousmaflore is an interactive installation, a small garden composed of living musical plants, which react to gentle contact. Each plant reacts in a different way to contact by producing a specific sound. The plant «language» or song occurs through
  • Deep Sleep moves backwards and forwards in time between a notorious Sydney psychiatric institution of the 1970's where patients were subjected to "deep sleep" therapy, and the Chelmsford Royal Commission, established in the 1990's to investigate the