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  • Neuro Mirror - video
    Neuro Mirror Artificial Intelligence Installation ©2017, Laurent Mignonneau and Christa Sommerer Collection of Itau Cultural This interactive installation deals with the image we have of ourselves and of others. In 1999 the Italian
  • VEXTRE, a new project involving augmented and virtual reality deals with the construction of the community's identity based on belonging feelings and tradition as opposed to politics and ideologies nationalists.Artist: Maite CajaravilleComment:
  • GARDEN CONCEPT In the context of the Regional STARTS Centers in Greece, the non-profit platform for social innovation projects MADE GROUP, with the support of the Athens Tech College and the Cultural Association of Archilochus of Paros, sets the
  • Conclusive Evidence -
    Conclusive Evidence is the title of one of Vladimir Nabokov's novels, which deals with his experience of emigration. In the Russian version, which appeared a few years later, the same novel was called Other Shores. This play on the titles is all the
  • Floating Signs -
    Light installation in public space, 2011-present Harbour, Bregenz (A), invited competition Departing from ambiguous concept and image worlds related to terms like harbour, arrival, staying (also being allowed or having to stay), 'Floating Signs',
  • Joerg Auzinger’s art deals with the relationship between human, nature and the sociopolitical aspects of a technology-based communication society. Joerg Auzinger’s artistic work is situated between art, science and technology. In interactive
  • The computer allows us to simulate reality. Although the simulation itself is not real it inherits a certain power to become real. Today, it is increasingly normal to transfer simulated reality into physical reality. With the help of computers the
  • Photosynthetic Me is a bioart, interactive and Immersive installation that emerges from a process-based experiment around the topic of becoming plant-like. In the project, a biotechnologist activates a photosynthetic system in a situation of altered
  • The 2018 ACM SIGGRAPH Distinguished Artist Award for Lifetime Achievement in Digital Art is awarded to Monika Fleischmann, a research artist that has contributed to the field of interactive media art since the 1980s to the present day. She has
  • Debuted at the Whitney Museum at Phillip Morris, 1992, as part of a series co-curated by Toni Dove with Helen Thorington of New American Radio and Jeanette Vuocolo of the Whitney Phillip Morris Performance series. Entitled "Performing Bodies and