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  • ... is a telematic adaptation of THE FRUIT MACHINE (1991). The work connects remote locations to enable simultaneous imaging and real...
  • ...Hamilton Mestizo work primarily explores the interfaces of arts, science and technology and their critical, ecological, and social-political...
  • ... for the Arts. He has traveled extensively and installed his work and performed on most continents.
  • ...Hi, thanks for your interest in my work. I'm both a composer of experimental music and an internet artist. Please find below a list of my...
  • ... of a large souvenir reproduction of the Eiffel Tower. The work uses the same image processing software originally developed for...
  • ...A Stereoscopic Surround Sound Installation. Work in Progress. The viewer enters a darkened room to discover life size stereoscopic figures...
  • ... footage remixed from the live streaming, becoming part of the work in which theycould actively participate in this creative premise....
  • ... Perth. Thomas is a pioneer of transdisciplinary practice. His work takes not only inspiration from nanoscience and quantum theory,...
  • Pulse Room - video
    ... shows the recordings from the most recent participants. This work was inspired by Macario, directed by Roberto Gavaldón in 1960, a...
  • ...My work focuses on visual explorations of culturally significant data. I'm constantly seeking new ways to represent information to create...