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  • ... architectures of real and virtual space? How can the development of complex communication... Mixed Realities What does it mean to live, play and work in a world shaped and perceived through...
    ...4 VR sequences for Oculus & Touch from earlier work: "Angels", "Chambers", "Dynasty and "The Isle that...
  • ... Western landscape tradition. His painted works explore political, environmental, and...
  • Eden -
    ... audio and image. One of the aims of the work is to exploit the emergent properties and...
  • ... of various fruit, and the inner surface shows a geographical map of the world. The two users... of THE FRUIT MACHINE (1991). The work connects remote locations to enable...
  • ...Hamilton Mestizo work primarily explores the interfaces of arts, science and technology and their...
  • ... consulted and developed traveling shows with the Fleet Science Center, consulted with... traveled extensively and installed his work and performed on most continents.
  • ...Hi, thanks for your interest in my work. I'm both a composer of experimental music and an internet...
  • ... reproduction of the Eiffel Tower. The work uses the same image processing software...
  • ...A Stereoscopic Surround Sound Installation. Work in Progress. The viewer enters a darkened room...