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  • As you enter into the space you are confronted with a dramatic and disturbing combination of images and sound. A ‘wall’ of figures, naked and staring straight at the audience span the width of the gallery space. The life size figures initially
  • AirBoard -
    a board ride on the air Air Board is a sculptured board with jet engine and made for the purpose of hovering in the air. It is loaded with small turbojet engine and allows one person to stand on and hovers a few centimeters high above the ground
  • Presence -
    Presence is a three beam interactive video projection installation commissioned for the Art Machine II exhibition at the Maclellan Galleries, Glasgow. It is composed of three screens using high resolution video projectors and three computers with a
  • Thomas Tallis, one of the most influential English composers of sixteenth century, wrote Spem in Alium nunquam habui, a choral work for eight choirs of five voices, to mark the fortieth birthday of Queen Elizabeth I in 1575. This piece of music
  • Audiopad -
    Audiopad is a composition and performance instrument for electronic music which tracks the positions of objects on a tabletop surface and converts their motion into music. One can pull sounds from a giant set of samples, juxtapose archived
  • Can you see me now? -
    ... audience that accompanies them: we are... electronic devices in many developed...
  • Plan-it! -
    ... 20 input devices, 8 loudspeaker units...
  • In an information-oriented society, the encoding of individual information occurs immediately, almost as fast as the satisfaction of a desire. Our consumption habits, our criminal history, our chronic diseases, even our photographs taken by a
  • Homefront -
    HOMEFRONT Surveillance, monitoring, and tracking technologies are not only media of control; they are media of self-reflection and self-awareness. There is a reciprocity between the way that control technologies function and the way that identity
  • Internet, video projections on gaze and helium bal Playing instruments is the common lot of music. Playing with emotions is the common lot of politics and entertainment Considering the Net as the World nervous system. Scanning the