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  • ...Paul Hertz is an independent artist, printmaker, and curator who works with algorithmic processes. From 1971 to 1983, he lived and worked in...
  • Tad Hirsch is a researcher and PhD candidate in the Smart Cities Group at MIT's Media Lab, where his work focuses on the intersections between art, activism, and technology. He has worked with Intel's People and Practices Research Group, Motorola's
  • ...2014 “In the Name of Asia female Artist”, Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Art, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
  • .. interested in the poetry and metaphysics of new technologies. He has created a series of award-winning works that probe the expressive power of new technologies to ask questions about the world ..
  • Whiteout - video
    Hundreds of transparent white spheres, each embedded with a discrete, programmed, white LED light are suspended from a square grid of steel poles and cabling. They form a luminous white carpet across the Park's central Oval Lawn. The orbs are
  • ...Perry Hoberman is an installation and media artist who works with a wide variety of materials and technologies, ranging from the utterly...
  • It's hard to see a photograph physically fading, erasing itself with the bombardment of light but hold no doubts it is subtly becoming elusive like all we hold dear. I often find myself contemplating the fragility of the moment, and I believe this
  • ... possibilities of digital media. After a long, almost exclusive artistic focus on large-scale light installations with a high level of...
  • Jenny Holzer was born in Gallipolis, Ohio, in 1950. She received a BA from Ohio University in Athens (1972); an MFA from the Rhode Island School of Design, Providence (1977); and honorary doctorates from the University of Ohio (1993), the Rhode