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  • Budhaditya Chattopadhyay is a contemporary artist, researcher, writer and theorist. Working across diverse media, such as sound, text, and moving image, and incorporating various technologies such as sensors, AI, and Machine Learning, Chattopadhyay
  • Paolo Cirio called attention with his controversial work "Hacking Monopolism Trilogy": "Face to Facebook" (co-author: Alessandro Ludovico), "Amazon Noir" (co-authors: Alessandro Ludovico, Ubermorgen) and "Google Will Eat Itself" (co-authors:
  • Digital works by david Opp can be found at [1996 - 2001]
  • Artist: Steven J OscherwitzComment:
  • Artist: Hugo PaqueteComment:
  • Artist: René ParéComment:
  • Artist: Jennifer ParkerComment:
  • Alessio Chierico (Ph.D.) is an interdisciplinary artist, researcher, and lecturer with a background in contemporary art, design theory, and media studies. Chierico is currently a full professor at the Academy of Fine Arts of Frosinone, where he
  • Richard Colson has taught digital media for many years in colleges and universities in the UK. He was Reader for Art and Digital Media Practice at Thames Valley University from 2008-2010 and Senior Lecturer at the same University responsible for the