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  • The Tunnel under the Atlantic is an experimental work using televirtuality that allows users situated on each side of the Atlantic Ocean, Paris and Montreal, to meet each others and to interact in a virtual space they have created together. A
  • Tracing -
    Tracing is a two screen projection installation that uses the two-sides of a wall positioned in the middle of the gallery room to contrast two states of cultural difference in the information age. Texts and ambient sounds are continuously projected
  • Architext - video
    Large LED alphanumeric units are mounted in a 13 x 9 grid on the stage tower of this theater. Like a conventional news sign textual information is scrolled through these elements, but because the alphanumeric units are spaced far apart, the
  • conscious love -
    The installation was conceived for the art show 'amour et conscience', Paris, 1999 (Atelier Sévigné, 9/9/99 - 9/12/99). It consists of three parts: Five curtains, representing consciousness, digital word-picture-prints on
  • untouched
    “untouched” is a series of self-portraits created through 3D scanning and presented as unaltered online virtual and Augmented Reality sculptures. Motionless yet constantly interacting and performing in-between realities, the virtual fragmented
  • I'm sorry I made you feel that way (2023) by Martina Menegon is an interactive experience and performative self-portrait exploring new possibilities for empathy and care for our hybrid selves.
  • Relazioni Emergenti -
    It is an environment of artificial life where the individuals, represented by graphics filaments, are endowed with own intelligence and character. They can interact, exchange information and reproduce. Through the mechanisms of genetic mutations,
  • the leap -
    The Leap carries out a new interpretation of Norwegian national symbols: Henrik Ibsen's "Peer Gynt", Edvard Grieg's music to the play and The Norwegian mountain wilds. In the installation these functions as condensed symbols of our
  • Portrait One -
    Marie, a French-speaking Montrealer in her thirties played by actress Paule Ducharme, appears to be lost in reverie. You may try to get her attention: when selecting "Excuse me..." on the display, Marie suddenly stares at you; then, selecting "Do
  • Family Portrait -
    Imagine a portrait. You walk up to it and engage in conversation. You pick a question from a pre-established set on the screen. The portrait gives you an answer. A new set of questions, or coments appears. You get further reactions. As this