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  • This essay by former research assistant Isabella Iska at the Center for Image Science, is a tribute to the artist, scholar, professor and permanent driven inventor Charles Csuri (1922-2022), who began creating digital artworks in the 1960s. Today
  • Advent -
    Advent is an interactive journey into the 25 days preceding the birth of something messianic. The journey is set in and around the shoreline of a mythic river and takes the form of a fictional personal diary. At the heart of the piece is an advent
  • Universidad de Caldas - CCC Theater Founders 13 International Image Festival revolves around the theme "Digital creation and post-conflict" which proposes to reflect on the role of art, design and technology companies today must find ways to
  • AL GRANO: Formas de pensar Mundos, 2014, solo exhibition (images above and below) at the Centro de Museos de la Universidad de Caldas, commissioned by the Festival de la Imagen 2014, in Manizales, Colombia. A seed of transgenic corn represents an
  • Alcalá Mellado, José Ramón and Javier Ariza. Explorando el Laberinto; Creación e investigación en torno a la gráfica digital a comienzos del siglo 21. Col. Caleidoscopio 5, Cuenca, Spain: Ediciones de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, 2005.
  • Shanken, Edward. Jeffrey Shaw's Golden Calf: Art Meets Virtual Reality and Religion Leonardo Electronic Almanac 3, no. 4 (1995).
  • The Golden Calf -
    Event: The Golden CalfInstitution: National Museum of Photography, Film & Television at BradfordComment:
  • Event: Contact Zones/The Art of the CD-RomInstitution: Nickle Arts Museum/ University of CalgaryComment:
  • Event: Peepshow@thenickleInstitution: Nickle Arts Museum/ University of CalgaryComment:
  • Event: Happening Festival of New Music and MediaInstitution: University of CalgaryComment: