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  • ... and so on. How can we create these new... of information play central role needs its...
  • ... molecules reflect how they view and react to... movements play a major role in the...
  • Tell Me the Truth -
    ... Tell Me the Truth show how I was ‘auditioning’ a... a pair of seriously playful chameleons. In this...
  • ... indeed interesting how the project became viral... so well-understood five or 10 years ago – but... We would have needed hundred of thousands of... VISA credit cards and challenging...
  • [ in time time ] -
    ... regardless of how much the viewer is pulled... with the game and plays with the screen, his... are partners in a game with rules dictated by...
  • ... that explains how paradox functions. A... chess also uses 16 players There are some common... loom then a punch card or gesture of the weaver... g glance / gently / game / gleen / gesture h...
  • ... technologies can play in fostering the... to the final five locations. The Original...
  • ... The golden plover, shown in the poster, according... as the faster game bird in Europe. It...
  • ... love with popular shows like carnival or circus,... life » of a Creature playing to be an Artist. ... sort of « serious game » which is an submersive...
  • Virtual Book -
    ... We thought about how to record artistic... books. The audio play "Audible Textcollage"... can sketches, discarded and unfinished...