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  • the conversation -
    ralf baecker the conversation, 2009 99 solonoides, custom electronics (microcontrollers/drivers), strings, rubberbands, wires Production support: LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial, Gijón This work is part of a series of
  • eMoving Stills -
    La Mécanique des émotionsest un grand récit en œuvres: performances, sculptures, installations, machines... eMoving Stills sont comme un film sous-titré dont les photogrammes ponctueraient les étapes, semant les indices d'interprétation d'une
  • With Brain Factory Prototype, Maurice Benayoun and Tobias Klein have produced a very specific installation — a mechanism designed to transform abstract things into concrete objects with the participation of the spectator. An installation/tool, it
  • The ABSTRACT SHOTS are some of the outcomes of the BRAIN FACTORY that gave the exhibition spectators in Paris, Seoul, Brisbane and Hong Kong the possibility to become “brain-workers”. Using no hands and no words, they gave a shape to human
  • video 6,’42 Images of material objects (sculptures by Alen Ožbolt) are digitally processed and projected into virtual, fluid spatiality, appearing as dematerialised floating, kinetic light forms, freed of the constraints of time, mass and gravity.
  • Also with the VideoFest ‘92, the MedienOperative claimed to reflect the development of international video culture and to represent a rich variety of genres – productions, sculptures, or selections from fields like interactive media and computer
  • Event: DIGITAL MONSTERS DON'T BLEEDSolo showSpatial object, 1700 x 500, paper tubes, sound, video, 2 gold plated sculptures (15 x 50).Institution: Kunstraum BernsteinerComment:
  • 6,54’ video, 3D modeling, 3D animation The video combines abstract video recordings of light-kinetic sculptures in motion together 3D simulations of them. This interplay of digitally simulated and analogue visual effects creates a topology of hybrid
  • Sommerer, Christa and Laurent Mignonneau. Anthroposcope In Scultura e Oltre: 16th International Biennale del Bronzetto e della Piccola Scultura, edited by G. Franco and Ernesto Luciano FranaclanciPadova: Il Poligrafo, 1995.
  • Masaki Fujihata is one of the pioneers of Japanese new media art, beginning his career working in video and digital imaging in the early 80s. As an early practitioner of the application of new technologies to the process of artmaking, he was one of