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  • Social Turkers -
    ...Social TurkersArtist: Lauren Lee McCarthyComment:
  • EDEN -
    ... through the interactive light installations created by artist.
  • A city map is just a replica of the map of the roots of its trees. This new project centers on the relationship between trees and cities, their resemblance and potential for mutual cooperation. As a continuation of the EDEN project; which put
  • Splice -
    ...on the destruction of almost every elm forest in Southern Europe. The departure point for the project ELM was the history of these trees which...
  • Waking Agents -
    ...In the age of smart everything, even the personal space of sleep is invaded. The installation consists of a set of six pillows in an immersive...
  • ...The exhibition at the Negev Museum of Art is part of an international project, which originated in 2012 under the title of EDEN (Ethics,...
  • NET(WORK) -
    The projetct is dedicated to the phenomenon of nets. As we know, nets are some of the primary means for catching aquatic bioresources. The net thrives as a universal symbol with many possible applications and analogies. The word “net” – set’ – can
  • Champs Libres -
    “Champs Libres” is an invitation to a sensory journey in a forest opening onto a clearing bathed in light, in which everyone is encouraged to take a break, to feel, to exchange. For centuries, the landscape has been shaped by human action. In the
  • EDEN Echigo-Tsumari -
    ... through the interactive light installations created by artist.
  • Babel - video
    ...BabelArtist: Ruth SchnellComment: