Archive Search

  • Bolz, Norbert. Die Wirklichkeit des Scheins In Strategien des Scheins: Kunst Computer Medien, edited by Florian Rötzer and Peter Weibel, 110-121. München: Boer Verlag, 1991.
  • Event: Die Zukunft der ZeichnungInstitution: Museum Abtei MönchengladbachComment:
  • Snow, Charles Percy. Die zwei Kulturen. Stuttgart, DE: Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH, 1967.
  • Weibel, Peter and Valie Export. Die Zweiheit der Natur In Ars Electronica 1986, edited by Karl Gerbel and Peter Weibel, 46-48. Linz: 1986.
  • die.txt -
    die.txt is a bio-engineered text editor. As the user types, individual
    words spawn outgrowths of alternative meanings and definitions. These
    metonyms are sucked from Wordnet, a lexical reference system
    developed by Princeton University.
  • Event: Dieci anni di Computer Animazione 1987-1996Institution: Visionaria Film FestivalComment:
  • Diego Caglioni investigates descriptive borders, anthropological meanings, aesthetical possibilities of the web and of AIs compared with artistic creativity, focusing his interest on video, installations and photography as main characters of his...
  • Perra, Daniele. Diego Caglioni Artribune , no. 9 (September-October 2012).
  • Artist: Diego MelladoComment: