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  • Event: Rafael Lozano-Hemmer: Vectorial Elevation, Relational Architecture No. 4Institution: Artium - Basque museum-Center of Contemporary ArtComment:
  • EVA 2004 Florence -
    Event: EVA 2004 FlorenceInstitution: EVA Conferences InternationalComment:
  • EVA 2004 London -
    Event: EVA 2004 LondonInstitution: EVA Conferences InternationalComment:
  • Event: Transmediale SideEvent 2004Institution: Kunstfabrik am FlutgrabenComment:
  • Evolution Artificial -
    Event: Evolution ArtificialInstitution: Fundación Telefónica MadridComment:
  • Event: Art Futura 1998: The Second SkinInstitution: Art FuturaComment:
  • "Dr. Gimzewski pioneered research on mechanical and electrical contacts with single atoms and molecules using scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and was one of the first persons to image molecules with STM. His accomplishments include the first
  • The US-American Keneth Goldberg is a Professor of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research (IEOR), with a joint appointment in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS), and in the School of Information at the University of
  • Event: Banquete_metabolismo y comunicaciónInstitution: Medialab MadridComment:
  • Media City -
    Event: Media CityInstitution: Seoul Museum of ArtComment: