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  • mitry Gelfand (b.1974, St. Petersburg, Russia) and Evelina Domnitch (b. 1972, Minsk, Belarus) create sensory immersion environments that merge physics, chemistry and computer science with uncanny philosophical practices. Current findings,
  • Artist: Ruby ThelotComment:
  • Tamiko Thiel is a media artist interested in the interplay of place, space, the body and cultural memory. She has done pioneering work in developing the dramatic and poetic capabilities of various forms of virtual and augmented reality as media for
  • Artist: Dani TomasiniComment:
  • Artist: Jack ToolinComment:
  • Artist: Lyoubov TouinovaComment:
  • Artist: Elena TrapeznikovaComment:
  • Artist: Georg TremmelComment:
  • Artist: Yu-Chuan TsengComment:
  • Prof. Dr. Diana Domingues is the founder and the Director of LART (Art and TechnoScience Research Laboratory, Brazil). She is a CNPq researcher PQ1 A at the National Research Board, Ministry of Science Technology and Innovation, She actuates as a