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  • Julian Oliver. Polygon Destinies: The Production of Place in the Digital Role-Playing Game In COSIGN 2001 Conference Proceedings, Melbourne Victoria, Australia: Julian Holland Oliver Interactive Information Institute RMIT University,, 2000.
  • Pey-Chwen Lin. Confronting the corrupted powers aiming to destroy the Holy Mountain and City, Pey-Chwen Lin,Reading the 2020 “Eve Clone Revelation- Pey-Chwen Lin + Digital Art Lab Exhibition”, Tainan Art Museum Reading the 2020 “Eve Clone
  • Event: Destroyed Worlds and the Utopia of ReconstructionInstitution: Kunstraum DornbirnComment:
  • The Trill-machine -
    A machine that sets an entire building in motion through vibrations. Use of this device will consequently result in the ultimate destruction of the building. (source:
  • Destruction of the remnants of an exhibition with sound pneumatics using speakers.
  • Such is the very essence of this work, which utilizes these various strategies, layered upon each other to create a metaphor about grief and loss. For the stereo speakers can be about brothers, lovers, twins and the destruction of one's mate when it
  • 400s -
    henrik menné 400s, 2010 Stearin, iron, wood, various electronics Supported by: The Danish Arts Council Committee for Visual Arts Courtesy: Galleri Tom Christoffersen, Copenhague this machine-sculpture is specially made for the exhibition and
  • Whether they are dynamic or static; sculptures by Henrik Menné are basically about process, balance and about organizing matter through both rigid systems and chance. The major part of Mennés production consists of large-scale machines or
  • In only its second year, VideoFest has become the largest european video festival. Video is a young artform; from the beginning, it has been a reaction to the “brave new world” of the highly technical mass societies with all their computers, nuclear
  • Inspired by the "Industrial Revolution" and the subsequent changes in human development brought about by that revolution. A path that has and will lead humanity to both heaven and hell. I wanted to try to capture the paradox of this duality by