Archive Search

  • Pulse Front -
    ... searchlights, entirely controlled by a network of...
  • Sensetable -
    ... state, which can be controlled by physically...
  • ... gallery on a computer controlled pan/tilt mechanism,...
  • Wavefunction -
    ... ground. The pistons are controlled by a computer that...
  • ... incandescent light bulbs controlled by the heartbeat of...
  • Elevator's Music -
    ... servo-driven mechanisms. Controlled by microprocessors and...
  • ... That moves a computer controlled monkey's paw and a...
  • Romeo to Tripoli -
    ... by sound waves, controlled the flow of...
  • Pii - video
    ... effects achieved by controlled reflections with...
  • Sprache Sehen -
    ... The word catalogue contains keywords that exemplify...