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  • mitry Gelfand (b.1974, St. Petersburg, Russia) and Evelina Domnitch (b. 1972, Minsk, Belarus) create sensory immersion environments that merge physics, chemistry and computer science with uncanny philosophical practices. Current findings,
  • Artist: Jörg RupertComment:
  • Ellen Sandor is a new media artist, and Founder/Director of the collaborative artists’ group, (art)n. In 1975, she received an MFA in Sculpture from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Her MFA studies at SAIC led her to explore the
  • Prof. Dr. Diana Domingues is the founder and the Director of LART (Art and TechnoScience Research Laboratory, Brazil). She is a CNPq researcher PQ1 A at the National Research Board, Ministry of Science Technology and Innovation, She actuates as a
  • Artist: Blane SavageComment:
  • Toni Dove has produced unique and highly imaginative embodied hybrids of film, installation art and experimental theater. In her work, performers and participants interact with an unfolding narrative, using interface technologies such as motion
  • The Amsterdam based artist couple Erwin Driessens (1963 Wessem) and Maria Verstappen (1964 Someren) have worked together since 1990. After their study at the Maastricht Academy of Fine Arts and the Rijksacademy Amsterdam, they jointly developed a
  • Artist: Alejandro SchianchiComment:
  • Dr Alan Dunn studied at Glasgow School of Art and The Art Institute of Chicago. He was curator of The Bellgrove Station Billboard Project (Glasgow, 1990-91), lead-artist on the tenantspin project (Foundation for Art & Creative Technology, Liverpool
  • Jorn Ebner was born in Bremerhaven, Germany in 1966 and lives in Berlin, Germany. He attended Universität Hamburg, Germany (1990-95), Fondazione Antonio Ratti, Italy (1997) and Central St Martins College of Art, London (1995-98). He has exhibited in