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  • Artist: Josefina PoschComment:
  • Artist: Marie-Claude PoulinComment:
  • Artist: Andrew PriorComment:
  • Artist: Jutta PryorComment:
  • Artist: (collective) QuadratureComment:
  • FORMACIÓN Licenciado en Bellas Artes. Facultad Alonso Cano, Universidad de Granada. Beca Erasmus, Université Paris 8, París. Beca Séneca, Universidad del Pais Vasco, Bilbao. EXPOSICIONES INDIVIDUALES 2010 La imagen-velocidad. Espacio MeBaS,
  • During the past seventeen years Czarnecki's work has centred on ways of exploring and expressing ideas generally based around the human, the physical, biological and psychological. More recently her work has been concerned with investigating the
  • Artist: Farid RakunComment:
  • Sonya Rapoport was born in 1923 and is an American conceptual/digital artist and New media artist who has created computer-assisted interactive installations and participatory web-based artworks.
  • Artist: Sérgio RebeloComment: