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  • Artist: Steven J OscherwitzComment:
  • Artist: Hugo PaqueteComment:
  • Artist: René ParéComment:
  • Lila Chitayat is an architect, new media artist and an experimental practitioner of design. She is a research based educator of multidisciplinary design processes and experience design.In 2002 Lila founded LinC studio, a transdisciplinary design
  • Andrés Colubri is a researcher who is developing new methodologies to visualize and model complex biological information. He also looks to new uses of computer graphics as a medium for communication and interaction. Andrés originally studied
  • Artist: Jennifer ParkerComment:
  • Artist: Christian ParsonComment:
  • Artist: Laura PasquiniComment:
  • Nancy Paterson is a media artist working in the field of interactive installations. She received a Ph.D in Communications & Culture from York University and is Professor at OCAD University. She work with the notion of cyberfeminism and show her work