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  • Paranoid Mirror -
    This piece was inspired by the paintings of Van Eyk and in particular the "Marriage of Arnofini". This piece uses reflection as a means of portraiture and reflected self portraiture. Though obscured and distanced, the artists reflection watches from
  • DesConcerto -
    Dynamic of the System, script, videos ­ Simone Michelin Argument, music - Vania Dantas Leite Real time processing of images ­ Elaine Tomazzi Freitas DesConcerto (disconcert) is a project developed in the intersection of visual arts and music.
  • "This project unfolded around an anti-NATO militarism web portal that was founded in August 2001 and ran until late 2006. The website gained international popularity over the years through covering news about NATO's expansion into Eastern Europe,
  • This was an improvisation performance with digital projections and live video, with script written by Esteban Ulrich. The software Moldeo was used to generate the real-time visuals, and I contributed with some of the programming. It took place at
  • Prophet, Jane. Treason`s Script: Interactive Narrative Artwork on CDROM Performance Research Online 4, no. 2 (Summer 1999).
  • Weibel, Peter. Videotechnik und Filmästhetik, Anmerkungen zur Zukunftsindustrie In Osnabrücker Experimentalfilmworkshop 1984 (Script), edited by Jochen Coldewey, 150-168. Osnabrück, DE: 1984.
  • Lartigaud, David-Olivier, ed. Art++. Hors Collection. Vol.1. Script, Paris: Éditions HYX, 2011.
  • Kac, Eduardo. Scripta Volant. Chicago: Green Lantern Press, 2018.
  • anet Cardiff's contribution to #10101 is a «Video Walk,» an original, immersive, site-specific art form. Museum visitors who wish to «do» Cardiff’s piece are given a small digital camcorder equipped with stereo headphones. It contains a tape
  • Gogol Chat -
    The Web is a global text. The hypothetical character, whose speech tends towards this global text, the sum of all speeches of mankind, is called Gogol. Originally GogolChat was conceived as a multi-user chat where this fictitious character lives.