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  • SonoMorphis - video
    An organic object is projected in front of the visitors. By means of a control mechanism the user can rotate the object in all directions and observe it from various perspectives. Control sliders allow the viewer to vary diverse parameters of the
  • As you approach this piece a sensor turns a light on which projects the worms and tree forms onto the walls and ceiling. The tubefex worms which are the stars of this piece demonstrate a form of supra organization in which these single tubefex worms
  • Solve et Coagula is primarily an attempt to give birth to a new life form: half digital, half organic. Through a multisensorial, full duplex sensory interface the installation networks the human with an emotional, sensing and artificially
  • In TRANS-E digital technologies provide us with an electronic ritual. Bodies connected by interfaces dialogue with computer electronic memories and can experience "virtual hallucinations" in real time. These "hallucinations" are managed by
  • Environments: Memories, Serpentarium, Village, Terrarium By penetrating in OUROBOROS’ PLACES we experience the poetic existence in memescapes, inhabiting within artificial landscapes no longer made of earth, but of memory units. Interfaces and
  • Tangible Biofeedback Communication Device Users at the Ars Electronica are provided with specially equipped "Mobile Feelings" phone devices that resemble organic or bodily shapes. These devices host miniature bio-sensors and actuators that capture
  • ADA consists in a device that captures sounds and images from every day activities of Itaú Cultural Center processes this data and give it back to the street. The most visible interface of ADA is a conic white construction that is integrated in the
  • Infected -
    Infected is about the nature of the physical body in the context of future possibilities, and the new status of the corporeal body seen through dance and digitally manipulated imagery. The new bio-engineered body is still sexual, stark, brutal,
  • AlloBio
    Organic in the sense that it will become a growing architecture. (source:
  • Still ALife is an interactive monitor reacting to the presence and the distance of the observer to produce continuously changing three dimensional abstract and organic growing forms. © 2005, Christa SOMMERER & Laurent MIGNONNEAU