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  • Event: Brain Factory Prototype 2Institution: Art Center NabiComment:
  • Event: Brain Factory PrototypeInstitution: Centre Culturel François VillonComment:
  • Event: From the Brain Factory to Value of ValuesInstitution: Microwave International New Media Arts Festival 2018Comment:
  • Event: The Digital Drift in Art: from Media to the World as a Brain-Controlled MediumInstitution: The Aesthetics of Trans Media and the Humanities Across Media PlatformsComment:
  • Event: Creating the World out of the Human BrainInstitution: French consulate of Hong KongComment:
  • William Kentridge: WEIGHING…and WANTING is an installation of charcoal, pastel and gouache drawings and a film transferred to laser disk which is based on the drawings. Kentridge's homeland, South Africa, figures largely in his artwork, which
  • Through video essays and photography, the exhibition MASCHINENSEHEN [MACHINEVISION] documents the practice of picture production: its devices and technologies, the laboratories, as well as the sites where the new processes are applied. In addition,
  • Event: Quarxs à la Brain Factory: Dialogue between Maurice Benayoun and François SchuitenInstitution: Machines à dessiner à l'heure du numérique, Musée des arts et métiersComment:
  • Event: Brain Factory, Festival des Bains NumériquesInstitution: Centre des Arts, Enghien les BainsComment:
  • transmedia '97 -
    The festival focused again on multimedia, innovative television and video. In 1997, the festival also integrated technological developments and philosophical discourses relevant to these media realms into the programme: brain research,