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  • Event: La magia dell’arte; I protagonisti dell’arte Slovena contemporanea 1968 – 2013Institution: Villa ManinComment:
  • Event: La magia dell’arte; I protagonisti dell’arte Slovena contemporanea 1968 – 2013Institution: Villa ManinComment:
  • Anthroposcope Concept Anthroposcope is an interactive installation involving a microscope, a real plant and a fingertip pulse sensor. The heart bit sensor being clipped onto the visitor's fingertip, he or she can explore through the viewfinder of
  • GENMA - video
    GENMA is a machine, that enables us to manipulate 'Nature'. Nature exemplary is represented as artificial nature of a micro scale: abstract amoeboid artificial three-dimensional forms and shapes. Principles of artificial life and
  • Pieter-Rim de Kroon, Julien Devaux, Jean-Charles Fitoussi, Jean-Luc Godard, Ellen Harvey, Takehito Koganezawa, Malcolm Le Grice, Marcello Mercado, Anne-Marie Miéville, Vincent Monnikendam, Jacco Olivier, Jos Stelling, Straub/Huillet »
  • This computer graphic installation is a telematic adaptation of THE FRUIT MACHINE (1991). The work connects remote locations to enable simultaneous imaging and real time interaction to take place between both sites where the work is installed. It
  • 4 Space -
    In this interactive installation, three viewers are able to manipulate components of a computer-generated image using multi-axis joysticks positioned in front of a projection screen. The image is a half octagonal cylinder that is divided into three
  • Between the words -
    This installation constitutes a specific modality of remote communication between two persons where facial expression and hand gestures are its essential agencies. Two people face each other through an opening in a wall where an optical system
  • Bassin, Aleksander. Magija umetnosti. Protagonisti slovenske sodobne umetnosti 1968 – 2013/La magia dell’arte. I protagonisti dell’arte Slovena contemporanea 1968 – 2013, Villa Manin, Passariano di Codroipo, Italy. Ljubljana: DLUL, 2013.
  • Animal Nature is an exhibition concept that has developed out of an ongoing, expanding web-project entitled Criminal Animal found at Criminal Animal is intended to bring together a wide range of artists, critics, scholars