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  • SOLAR -
    ... that the sun radiated in that time-space. Solar is a robotic installation, immersive and interactive, designed to simulate...
  • Untitled & Untied -
    during WWII. This algorithmic discrimination system tears apart four classic fiction films continuously within a projection room.... Installation that utilizes machine learning to reflect on systematic discrimination by focusing on the indefinite detention of Mexicans with...
  • ... and works in Berlin. source: Munich; founder-member of «Otherspace»; work in the field of installation and interactive virtual environments; lives and works in...
  • ...AL GRANO: Augmented Cereals is an art, science and technology installation in public space. This is an Augmented Reality work in which... AL GRANO: Augmented Cereals is an art, science and technology installation in public space. This is an Augmented Reality work in which...
  • ...This installation is asite-specific work in progress. A colour surveillance camera has been mounted outside the gallery on a computer controlled...
  • Horizon -
    ... This installation was commissioned by Dundee Contemporary Arts for the exhibition, 'Timecode'. More info on Timecode here:... but also as an idiosynratic global electronic sundial. This installation was commissioned by Dundee Contemporary Arts for the...
  • Blow Up - video
    ... eye. The piece exists in a shadow box format and as a large installation. (Photos by Antimodular Research)
  • Recombinant Figure -
    ...Digital video installation 1 monitor colour, silent An interactive single monitor work with one computer, using simulated recombinant...
  • ... of an array of balls, tubes and cubes. By moving the balls, participants can mix their own version of the music.The music is written... Variations 504 is an interactive music installation that engages viewers by allowing them to control the music they hear by interacting with the...
  • ...Multi-media found object and audio installation. The handsome young god Amor comes only at night under the cover of darkness to lie with his...