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  • Bernardo Villar. 'Percepciones ideológicas sobre el fenómeno TICs 2.0' Universidad Salamanca (2015).
  • Neidich, Warren and Elena Bajo. Me, Myself and I: Conversation with Oneself. New York: Input #2, 2010.
  • Büsing, Nicole and Heiko Klaas. Warren Neidich Dare Magazine , no. 5 (2010): 70-77.
  • Büsing, Nicole and Heiko Klaas. Warren Neidich Dare Magazine , no. 5 (2010): 70-77.
  • Alp Tuğan works on sociotechnology, generative art, and sonic arts and has participated in various exhibitions and events with his audiovisual projects. Tuğan is also a co-founding member of the live coding duo called RAW (
  • Klanten, Robert and Lukas Feiress and S. Ehmann, ed. Staging Space Scenic Interiors and Spatial Experiences. Berlin: Gestalten Verlag, 2010.
  • Casares, Nilo. Análisis de la #EncuestaInsultarte por Nilo Casares
  • Caraës, Marie-Haude and Chloé Heyraud. Jardin & design. Saint-Étienne: Cité du design/Actes sud, 2010.
  • catalog
    2nd Western China Contemporary Art Biennale, ed. catalog. Beiging, China: ,, 2010.
  • The 2nd Western China Contemporary Art Biennale, ed. Art perspective. Beiging, China: ,, 2010.