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  • ... Art Works on the Internet In Art and Complexity: At the Interface, edited by John Casti and Anders Karlquist, 85-107....
  • ... or technology. This exhibition is based on the theme of "the interface of mathematics (factor) and perception (morphology)". It is...
  • ...Video Videotape for one screen, 60 min., sound By using the own body as interface, the video work montréal2000 (created in the year 2000) gives...
  • ...Huhtamo, Erkki. Monumental Attractions: An Archaeology of Public Media Interfaces In Interface Criticism: Aesthetics Beyond Buttons, edited by...
  • ... goals is to apply these dynamic behaviors into computational interface design as well. (Public and Private collections.)
  • Morphogenesis -
    ... projected onto a 4 by 3m back projection screen via a special interface box constructed for that purpose. the second system uses the...
  • MRI Butterfly -
    ... image produces a dance of thought, similar to the way the brain receives data. In a hide-and-seek type of perception, the...
  • ... created Murmuring Fields (1997-99), a sequel to Home of the Brain, but as voices on an a Mixed R eality (MR) stage. The walk-in... communication appears in real time. The imperceptible camera interface ultimately turns the room into an interface that envelops...
    ... HD, voire THD (4 fois la résolution de la haute définition). L’interface de consultation est fondée sur un dispositif sans contact de type...
  • ...Can we know insects through electronic and artistic interfaces? Do they know us? Can they experience art? Can we develop new relationships with...