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  • Profile Intermedia 4 -
    International Designconference and exhibition. Topic: motion e)motion emotion.
  • The installation "Another Day in Paradise" was composed of three preserved trees: surveillance, video and touchscreen trees. The equipment not contained in the trees themselves was hidden from view in fiberglass rocks. The monitors were embedded in
  • Kronman, Linda and Andreas Zingerle. “Let’s talk business” and “Megacorp” – Examples of artistic anti fraud activism In Engineering the future, edited by V&A Digital Design Weekend: V&A, 2016.
  • The landscape is not just the natural environment or its representation. It is in itself a cultural construct, subject to the codes and beliefs of those who have configured it, be it physically (determining its shape by the arrangement of gardens,
  • The installation included a custom-designed robotic painting machine, large hand-painted images, and several images painted with the robot. All images were from events surrounding the building of the Los Angeles Aqueduct between 1906-13.
  • Stupid Robot -
    Designed to annoy, reminiscent of a legless beggar, Stupid Robot shakes a can of metal parts noisily when approached.
  • I first conceived the Telepresence Garment in 1995 to investigate the notion of the mediascape as an expanded cloth; i.e., to consider wireless networking as a new fabric that envelops the body. The Garment, which I finished in 1996, gives
  • Art-ID/Cyb-ID -
    The project, based in cyberspace, enables new cybernetic identities, known as cyb-ids, to emerge and flourish as the result of viewer interaction at the public interface. Cyb-ids are multimedia clusters drawn from the identity profiles of invited
  • America`s Finest -
    In 1830, both the camera and the colt revolver were invented. more than a half century later, in 1888 Etienne Jules Maray perfected a gun that substituted film for bullets. There has long been a historical relationship between the camera and the
  • Mediated Encounters -
    Mediated Encounters is an interactive robotic installation of four fish tanks designed to allow Siamese Fighting fish (Betta Splendons) to determine the movement of two grapevine sculptures. This piece allows normally aggressive fish to interact