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  • ...Soong Sisters: MEIAC Museum (Spain) virtual galleryArtist: Patrícia GouveiaComment:
  • ...Blind Game: Quadrum gallery Lisbon (2001) interactive game installation + artist book + digital prints.Artist: Patrícia GouveiaComment:
  • Powerbike -
    This mutant bicycle, the pedal and gear mechanism of which is made up of a flexible ladder, symbolizes the “seven deadly wishes”. Visitors are invited to climb up to the seat but when they try, the mechanism moves into reverse, turning the user into
  • Proverbs -
    ...As part of a public art commission, Olga Kisseleva installed a digital artwork in the patio of the Tulle mediathèque. "CrossWorlds Proverbs" is...
  • Divers Faits -
    ... The works were realized by a mixed team, consisted of art historians, sociologists, semiologists, one writer and the artist,...
  • Hyper Real -
    ... theft are interrogated. This also is also the place where the artist shoots her pictures. The way the objects are displayed is...
  • Double Life -
    ... and passion, between a world of work and a domestic world: an art history student who works in a fast food restaurant, an artist on...
  • Pii - video
    Pii relies on the development of an interactive sculpture by using sets of mirrors, matrices of light and different types of sensors that analyze the environment to computationally generate a light and sound response, there by creating a variable
  • The animation Global Vulva connects female figures and vulva symbols from different times, countries and cultures, while they morph into each other - the cultural meaning of the female genital becomes visible again. You'll see paleolithic
  • Gallinero - video
    ... de argumentos o dirección, reproduciendo eficazmente una parte significativa del comportamiento humano. El trabajo experimenta con...