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  • Alessio Chierico (Ph.D.) is an interdisciplinary artist, researcher and lecturer with a background in contemporary art, design theory and media studies. Chierico is currently adjunct professor at Accademia di Belle Arti di Macerata (IT), he held
  • Paolo Cirio called attention with his controversial work "Hacking Monopolism Trilogy": "Face to Facebook" (co-author: Alessandro Ludovico), "Amazon Noir" (co-authors: Alessandro Ludovico, Ubermorgen) and "Google Will Eat Itself" (co-authors:
  • Artist: Musica TeatralComment:
  • Michael Najjar is a German visual artist. He was born on 31 October 1966 in Landau, West Germany. Since 1988 he has lived and worked in Berlin.
  • Artist: Iliyana NedkovaComment:
  • Artist: Alberto NovelloComment:
  • Artist: Keisuke OkiComment:
  • Artist: Marilène OliverComment:
  • Digital works by david Opp can be found at [1996 - 2001]
  • Lila Chitayat is an architect, new media artist and an experimental practitioner of design. She is a research based educator of multidisciplinary design processes and experience design.In 2002 Lila founded LinC studio, a transdisciplinary design