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  • me & u -
    Me & U Date made: 2005? Materials: responsive, screen-based installation. Other information: Exhibited in a group show at University Galleries. Illinois State University, Illinois, USA. October 28 to December 14, 2005 "me & u" is an interactive
  • Emotion in Space seeks to re-imagine ways in which global real- time datasets can give us a unique perspective on the understanding of world motion through emotional currents emanating from 3200 different cities. Part of the Mechanics of Emotions
  • Emotion in Space seeks to re-imagine ways in which global real- time datasets can give us a unique perspective on the understanding of world motion through emotional currents emanating from 3200 different cities. Part of the Mechanics of Emotions
    Bend plexiglass, reflected light Dim: 100 x 200 x 60-80 cm 'An object by Ursula: a monochromatic shadowy image drawn on a white screen, on the floor or on the wall, by reflected light shining though deformed and corrugated plexiglass. This shadowy
  • ArtFem.TV
    ArtFem.TV is an online television programming presenting Art and Feminism. The aim of ArtFem.TV is to foster Women in the Arts, their art works and projects, to create an international online television screen for the creativity, images and voices
  • Li, Yinlin et al.. Li, Yinlin et al (2003) Gesture Frame–A Screen Navigation System for Interactive Multimedia Kiosks. In 5th International Gesture Workshop, edited by Antonio CamurriVol.2915., ,
  • In “Making of Eve Clone III”, Lin Pey-Chwen continued to select scriptures from the Book of Daniel and Book of Revelation in the Bible, and also included the Proclamation of God’s Kingdom by the Prophet, Elijah Hong. These texts are projected
  • “Making of Eve Clone II” extracts a black-and-white grid image of the merged faces of Eve Clone and the Vitruvian Man from “Making of Eve Clone I”. This interactive installation learns to mimic human facial expressions through audience
  • “Making of Eve Clone II” extracts a black-and-white grid image of the merged faces of Eve Clone and the Vitruvian Man from “Making of Eve Clone I”. This interactive installation learns to mimic human facial expressions through audience
  • Legrady, George. New Screen Media In The Dynamics of Real and Virtual Space Audience Dialogue, edited by Martin Rieser and Andrea ZappKarlsruhe, London: ZKM and BFI London, 2002.