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  • Eduardo Kac is internationally recognized for his telepresence and bio art. A pioneer of telecommunications art in the pre-Web '80s, Eduardo Kac (pronounced "Katz") emerged in the early '90s with his radical works combining telerobotics and living
  • In the FILE 2002 - electronic language international festival are exposed hundreds of interactive works. Most of them are online works, web art, net art, VRML, hypertexts, artificial intelligence, simulations and others. To see the 2002 works you
  • La Machine à idées -
    Sur un site de vente de produits high tech, la possibilité offerte au visiteur de participer à la conception de nouveaux produits avec l'aide active d'une interface de création, cataliseur d'innovation. conception: Maurice Benayoun design:
  • Station Rose/STR was founded in Vienna, Austria, in 1988 by Gary Danner (sound) and Elisa Rose (visuals). As one of the first digital groups worldwide Station Rose have used the potential of live audio visual media and the internet for performing in
  • Conor McGarrigle is an artist and researcher working at the intersection of digital networks and real space. Coming from a background in net art, his work is concerned with the ways that digital networks are entangled in all aspects of everyday
  • PerformanceInsideOut was a 3hour non-stop physical and virtual performance event with 9 live and beyond performances. Remix, new media, nodes, antiestablishment, micro, underground, multi, rhizomes are some of the themes explored in this event. The
  • [V]ote-Auction -
    Voteauction* was a Website which offered US citizens to sell their presidential vote to the highest bidder during the Presidential Elections 2000, Al Gore vs. G.W. Bush. Several US States (Missouri, Wisconsin, Chicago, Arizona, Nevada,
  • Roz Dimon is an artist who has been painting with a digital brush for over 30 years after her oil paintings began to fill with pixels in the 1980s. Her work in digital media was featured in 1991 in Forbes Magazine with David Hockney and she has
  • Optical Diffraction -
    Video installation – diptych: Upper part: video projection: Bodyfraction 2020 (Uršula Berlot & Sunčana Kuljiš), Hyperoptics 2021 (Uršula Berlot); sound: Scanner – Robin Rimbaud Lower part: light image-object: laser-cut and digital print on
  • Mixed-reality installation with live and virtual performers, encountered via the smartphones of the visitors. Real and virtual situations come together, and micro-narratives emerge, based on shifting degrees of presence, traces of daily gestures and