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  • ... the feeling of an image set in motion through the activity of the...
  • mission of art -
    ... and, to a viewer in motion, they seem to lay as an all-over...
  • Sprache Sehen -
    ... observer only when she/he is in motion. The inertia of the retina is...
  • ... features two oversized hands in motion. They seem to be feeling out...
    ... The rides are presented as stop motion videos composed of...
  • INTERMITTENT - video
    ... system in the background.. The motion pattern of this particular...
  • Eve Clone IV/V -
    ... As viewers approach and their motion are detected in the vicinity,...
  • Curvature - video
    ... pen attached to a robot in motion produces random topographies out...
  • Koffer - video
    ... set the picture in motion. One can hear the rhythmic...
  • Wasserzaun -
    ... speed of the sinusoidal wave motion depends on the traffic density... density and the speed of the passing cars. At least one vehicle...