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  • ... motif towards the abstract one using form and colour on two levels: colour (the RGB colour model), is forced artificially upon the...
  • Laufende Projekte -
    ... in the sense of the mediation process between the different levels of perception and reality." - Ruth Schnell, quoting Johanna...
  • ... on one of the city's busiest streets, Carrera 7, with noise levels reaching health-threatening levels day and night. Upon entering...
  • ...Weibel, Peter and Otto E. Rössler. The two Levels of Reality - Exo and Endo In Art Lab 1st Symposium, The Current Condition and the Future of...
  • ... including temperature, relative humidity, airflow, and light levels in the exhibition space. It is literally a self-sustaining...
  • Cracks to Oases -
    ... to the diversity of techniques functioning at different levels of intensity. Cracks become oases might be understood as a...
  • Geomart-ut24 -
    ... world with their complex structures that appear at different levels in the visual content they offer us, as well as their perfect...
  • Water Lily Invasion -
    ...As global water levels and temperatures rise, plants and animals are mutating to adapt. Strange new creatures are arising at the interstices...
    ... organic shadowy image is discrete and not linked. There is no lever between the two, only empty space without any awareness. It is...
  • ... of a book describing The History of Science. In this way, he leveraged the intelligent organization by Henry Smith Williams (the...